Sunday 1 October 2023

arXiv on hold

 On Thursday I finished writing a short paper that is destined to appear in the conference proceedings on Comex7, a conference I went to in Italy in June.  As I typically do, I sent it to the arXiv so that people would be able to see it straight away, and so it is easily found, the conference proceedings being somewhere that people wouldn't stumble across.  

The paper should have appeared in arXiv on Friday, but it didn't, as it is "on hold"

The meaning of on hold is: 

Submissions may be put on hold for a variety of reasons, ranging from questions about proper classification, pending moderator approval, presentation issues, copyrighted PDF, etc., to editorial concerns. Most of these do not require any further input from the submitter and will be dealt with in due course. arXiv urges submitters to be patient. Due to the large volume of submissions, it may take several days before a resolution is reached.

I think there can be no doubt about proper classification: I submitted to nucl-th and it is a straight nuclear theory paper of the sort I have sent there without problem many times before.  I can't really see that there would be any presentation issues - it's a LaTeX-prepared document that looks just fine.   I can't see how copyright issues could be flagged.  The text is not pasted from anywhere else and the single figure was prepared specially for this article.  As for editorial concerns - I'm not sure what these could be or how they could be flagged. 

My guess, which may be totally wrong, is that the fact that one of the authors is Indian is the problem.  He comes from a community where people have only a single name, with no family name.  It has caused other problems with western-designed gatekeeping systems, and it's the only thing I can think that is at all out of the ordinary.  Unfortunately I don't think arXiv communicate any of the actual reasons for putting papers on hold so I'll never know.

Ultimately, this instance doesn't really matter too much, and it probably will never matter to me whether my article appears the day after I submit it or a week later.   The corner of the academic world I inhabit seems too low-stakes in terms of competing groups striving for priority over discoveries that I cannot imagine being disadvantaged by such delays.  It for sure doesn't matter with this conference proceeding... but I am aware that other people do get annoyed by this opaque delay in papers appearing.

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