Monday, 13 January 2025

Surrey dropping Elsevier deal

I came aross the following story about my institution dropping its current Elsevier journal subscription deal which is arranged as part of the UK-wide JISC organisation:


The full story is here.  It seems like the general financial difficulties in UK Higher Education, as well as particular choices at Surrey have led to this.  At a time when Universities, including Surrey, have been cutting costs by getting rid of staff, I am not at all sad to see them cutting costs by avoiding handing so much money to the academic publishers, who take our publicly-funded research without payment, then sell it back to us, all the while getting us to perform the peer-review for free. 

I much prefer the model from the likes of SciPost, where I perform my sole editorial work these days.  An online journal with low costs met through sponsorship, where neither scientists nor readers pay in the sharing of research 


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