Tuesday 11 June 2024

Hackathon in Edinburgh

 I had an early start today (alarm set for 4:10 am) for a three-day trip to Edinburgh, where I'm attending a hackathon with my colleagues Abhishek and Grant.  The idea is that there will be some experts here in the latest coding technologies for running codes on the latest GPU hardware, and they will help us transfer our CPU-based code to GPU where it should be able to run much faster, enabling us to tackle physics cases that are currently too hard for us. 

So far, it has been going okay - some steps forward and some technical issues holding us back, but we're only half way through the first day of three.

Edinburgh is a pretty city and if I had taken a photos I could include them here.  I haven't (yet), so instead, here is the tweet from the DiRAC_HPC Twitter account, which features our team in the foreground table.  You can see Grant and Abhishek and a tiny bit of me at the right of the picture

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