Wednesday, 23 February 2022

PDRA positions in York

The University of York nuclear physics group is currently advertising for three post-doctoral researchers to work with them.  This is excellent news for the group there, indicating as it does great success in having their peer-reviewed grand proposals funded, with three full-time researchers enabling them to carry out the promised research.  It's also good news for the UK nuclear physics community, and in particular the very small theory component of it.  Especially it is good for those looking to secure a post-doc in nuclear theory, based in a lovely city. 

The deadline for applying is 18th March.

Here is an image I found of the theory group at York, probably taken before the pandemic!  As I understand it from the job advert, the Principal Investigator on all three projects is Prof Jacek Dobaczewsku, on the left in the picture

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Paul, for the nice post. The picture was taken on 10 April 2019. Colleagues standing next to me, Antonio Romero (PhD), Alessandro Pastore (Senior Lecturer), Pierre Becker (postdoc), and David Muir (PhD) have already all left York. The three new postdocs will join my PhD students Paolo Sassarini and Betânia Tumelero Backes at York and the groups at Jyväskylä and Lyon in doing the physics we like best.
