Wednesday 16 October 2019

Fission in York

Just had a busy and productive three days in York, attending a workshop in which we (the attendees) boldly have been trying to hash out the remaining problems in the theory of nuclear fission.  It's one of the most complicated processes that nuclei undergo, so the remaining problems in terms of a fully microscopic quantum theory are more or less "everything".

We will be producing a white paper as a statement of where we see the future of the field in due course, with a deadline for producing something in just a couple of weeks away to make sure we don't let the discussions be forgotten.  I excused myself from leading the coordiantion of part I am most involved in as I will be on paternity leave at an unspecified (but soon) future date.

York is a lovely city, and I didn't get to see much of it this time.  The meeting was in the King's Manor, an old mansion in the centre of town that now belongs to the University of York, and I stayed very close, between there and the Minster, so I did get a little bit of vicarious tourism in.  The picture is of King's Manor.  

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