Tuesday, 21 July 2020

A paper in IoP SciNotes on generating ion-ion potentials

I have had a paper published today in (new) journal IoP SciNotes.  It's on how to use the existing Sky3D code (written by a collaboration including me) with some small modifications to be able to do something it was not particularly designed for:  Generating the interaction potential between two nuclei.  The paper is referred to as P. D. Stevenson, IOP SciNotes 1, 025201 (2020).

This new journal, SciNotes, is supposed to be for research outputs which are perhaps not worthy of a full paper, but things that should nevertheless be out there.  Seemed like an appropriate place to document how to make a (very minor) tweak to a published code to do something new with it.  Here's a picture of the potential between two oxygen–16 nuclei made for the paper.

The method, by the way, uses an approximation called the Frozen Hartree-Fock approximation.  It may or may not be a brilliant approximation depending on your needs.  There are some references in the paper / note for further discussion of this points. 

This is the first single-author paper that is not a conference proceeding that I have published since 2003, I think.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Margaret Burbridge Symposium

I received an email advertising a symposium celebrating the life and work of the late Eleanor Margaret Burbridge, pioneer of nuclear astrophysics.  The invitation to attend (online) is open, and I copy the email below with details of the event next week.  The image is a stylish representation of Prof Burbridge, from the linked-to website below:

Dear Colleagues,


Please join us on July 8th 2020 from 1:00-3:00 EDT for an online symposium to honor the late pioneer Eleanor Margaret Burbidge. The event will celebrate her life and science through short talks from her colleagues and collaborators as well as researchers who have benefited from her trailblazing and scientific insights.


Speakers include:


George Fuller  -  University California, San Diego

Anneila Sargent  -  California Institute of Technology 

Virginia Trimble  -  University California, Irvine

Fred Hamann  -  University California, Riverside

Vesa Junkkarinen  -  University California, San Diego

Amanda Karakas  -  Monash University

Artemis Spyrou  -  Michigan State University

Anna Frebel  -  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nicole Vassh  -  University of Notre Dame


The JINA-CEE website https://www.jinaweb.org/events/celebration-margaret-burbidge

can be consulted for any updates and viewing a commissioned illustration.


We encourage you to please share this email invitation with any colleagues, friends, or institutions that might be interested as the event is open to all.


We hope to see you there,


The Organizing Committee:

Frank Timmes, Arizona State University

Nicole Vassh, University of Notre Dame